What Is Limerance And How To Tell If You're Experiencing Limerance Or Love

Limerence is an intensely emotional state of infatuation that often occurs during the beginning stages of a romantic relationship. Continue reading on!

Published Aug 18 2023 5 min read

It has likely happened to most of us: that intense, almost obsessive feeling towards another person, making us wonder if it's true love. Today, we dive into the concept of limerance, which is often mistaken for love. While limernace shares many similarities with love, various factors differentiate limerance from a genuine, deep-rooted love. Ready to learn more? Let's unravel the mystery of limerance and love together. 

Understanding limerence: the basics 

Before delving into the details, let's first understand the crux of what limerence is. Limerance refers to the early stages of romantic attraction, characterized by euphoria, obsession, and a strong desire for emotional reciprocation.  

Psychologist Dorothy Tennov defines limerence as a "psychologic state that is different from anything else, such as sexual attraction, friendship, or love". It is a unique state of infatuation that often occurs at the start of a romantic relationship and is marked by obsession, anxiety, and longing for the object of affection (the "limerent object") to return emotional reciprocation.  

4 key characteristics of limerence  

  1. Intrusive thoughts: Limerence can be experienced through intrusive thoughts about the person one is infatuated with. Those who experience limerence may find themselves daydreaming or fantasizing about their object of affection and analyzing every interaction, constantly seeking signs of emotional reciprocation. 
  1. Euphoria and despair: People in limerance may experience extreme highs and lows in their emotions. When they feel their attraction is being reciprocated, or they receive positive attention from the person they desire, they may feel immense euphoria. However, when they face rejection or lack of response, they experience the opposite side of the spectrum of despair or even depression. 
  1. Elevated sensitivity: People in limerance tend to be hyper-attuned to the behaviors and signals from the person they desire. They may over-analyze and misinterpret even the most innocuous actions as indicating interest or disinterest, reinforcing the emotional roller coaster of limerence.
  1. Fear of rejection: While people experiencing limerance long for emotional reciprocation from the one they desire, they often experience an intense fear of rejection. This fear can cause them to be hesitant in expressing their feelings or pursuing a deeper relationship, which may result in missed opportunities or misunderstandings. 

Distinguishing between love and limerence 

Now that we have a grasp on limerence, it's essential to differentiate between limerence and true love, as they are often mistaken for one another.  

  1. Obsession vs. concern: While limerence is marked by an obsessive infatuation with the person of desire, love involves genuine concern and care for the well-being and happiness of another person. People in love prioritize their partner's needs and desires, often putting them before their own interests. 
  1. Possessiveness vs. trust: Those in limernace may feel an intense need to possess or control the person they desire, which may stem from their fear of rejection or insecurity. In contrast, love is based on trust and respect, allowing both partners the freedom to be independent individuals within the relationship without being possessive. 
  1. Duration: Limerence tends to be a temporary state, typically lasting between six months to three years. As the infatuation fades, it may transform into a more stable, long-lasting love or dissipate entirely. Love is a deeper and enduring emotional connection between two individuals, based on shared values, experiences, and commitment. 
  1. Perspective on flaws: In limerence, individuals tend to idealize the person they desire, often overlooking or ignoring their flaws. Love, on the other hand, involves accepting and even cherishing the imperfections that make one's partner unique. 

How to manage the experience of limerance  

Understanding the experience of limerence can help individuals manage any negative or heavy feelings and navigate their relationships healthily. 

  1. Work on insecurity: The negative experience of limerence may feel heightened when compinded with personal insecurities or a lack of self-worth. Working on building self-confidence and self-esteem through therapy or self-help resources can ease the intensity of limerence and promote healthier relationships. 
  1. Recognize unmet emotional needs: Limerence can also stem from unmet emotional needs, such as a lack of intimacy or connection in one's life. Addressing these needs by focusing on building meaningful and fulfilling connections with others in non-romantic and romantic settings can help alleviate limerence. 
  1. Cultivate emotional awareness and regulation: Developing emotional awareness and practicing emotional regulation techniques (such as meditation, journaling, or mindfulness) can help individuals manage the intensity of their feelings during limerence and promote emotional well-being.
  1. Communicate: Open and honest communication with one's partner or the person of desire can help clarify feelings, ease uncertainty, and foster healthy emotional connections. This may involve discussing emotions, boundaries, and shared expectations.


Limerence is an intensely emotional state of infatuation that often occurs during the beginning stages of a romantic relationship. While it shares similarities with love, understanding the differences can help individuals recognize and manage their emotions, avoiding the pitfalls that may accompany this powerful experience. By actively working on personal growth, fostering emotional well-being, and cultivating open communication, one can transform limerence into a stable, fulfilling, and loving relationship.

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