Tips for Giving Sexual Feedback Without Criticism

This article provides tips on how to give feedback constructively and positively, leading to a more fulfilling and satisfying sexual relationship. 

Published Jul 11 2023 3 min read

Sexual confidence is a vital aspect of a healthy sexual relationship, and feedback plays a critical role in building that confidence. However, giving feedback can be tricky, and criticism can easily hurt your partner's self-esteem, leading to a defensive and unproductive response. To empower your sexual confidence and improve your sexual relationship, it's crucial to learn how to give feedback without criticism. This article provides tips on how to give feedback constructively and positively, leading to a more fulfilling and satisfying sexual relationship. 

Be specific and direct 

When giving feedback, it's essential to be specific and direct about what you like and don't like. Vague feedback such as "I didn't like it" or "it was okay" doesn't give your partner a clear understanding of what they need to improve on. Instead, be specific about what you enjoyed and what you didn't. For instance, instead of saying "I didn't like it," say "I prefer it when you touch me slower." Being specific and direct helps your partner understand what they need to adjust, leading to a more fulfilling sexual experience for both partners. 

Use "I" statements 

Using "you" statements can easily come across as accusatory and critical, leading to a defensive response from your partner. Instead, use "I" statements to communicate your feelings and preferences. For instance, instead of saying "you're doing it wrong," say "I prefer it when you do it this way." "I" statements show your partner that you're expressing your feelings and preferences and not criticizing them, creating a safe and non-judgmental environment for feedback. 

Focus on the positive 

While giving feedback, it's essential to focus on the positive aspects of your sexual experience. Positive feedback helps boost your partner's confidence and makes them more receptive to constructive criticism. For instance, instead of saying "you're not doing it right," say "I love it when you do it this way, but could you try doing it slower?" Focusing on the positive aspects of your sexual experience helps maintain a positive and healthy sexual relationship. 

Avoid sarcasm and insults 

Sarcasm and insults can easily come across as harsh and hurtful, leading to a defensive and unproductive response from your partner. Avoid using sarcasm and insults, even if you're joking, as they can easily be misinterpreted as criticism. Instead, focus on positive feedback and constructive criticism, creating a safe and non-judgmental environment for feedback. 

Be mindful of body language and tone 

Body language and tone play a critical role in how your feedback is received. Avoid using a hostile or condescending tone, as it can make your partner feel attacked and defensive. Instead, use a calm and gentle tone, coupled with positive body language such as smiling and making eye contact. Positive body language and tone help create a safe and non-judgmental environment for feedback, leading to a more productive and fulfilling sexual relationship. 

Listen actively 

Remember that communication is a two-way street. It's important not only to give feedback but also listen actively when receiving it from your partner. Be open-minded and receptive to their thoughts, feelings, and suggestions. Avoid becoming defensive or dismissive if they offer constructive criticism or express their own desires. Instead, take the opportunity for growth by genuinely considering their perspective without judgment. 


Giving feedback without criticism is essential in empowering your sexual confidence and improving your sexual relationship. By being specific and direct, using "I" statements, focusing on the positive, avoiding sarcasm and insults, and being mindful of body language and tone, you can create a safe and non-judgmental environment for feedback. Communication is key in any relationship, and constructive feedback plays a vital role in building sexual confidence and maintaining a healthy sexual relationship. 

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