What Does Demiromantic Mean?

Dive into fascinating world of demiromanticism as we break down its definition, debunk common myths, and explore the effect this unique romantic orientation!

Published Jul 26 2023 5 min read

Love and attraction come in various forms, each with its own unique spectrum and nuances that influence how we experience, express, and understand our emotions. Demiromanticism is one such orientation that often remains unexplored or misunderstood. Despite being a lesser-known term, demiromanticism has a profound impact on the individuals it describes, as well as shaping the way they approach and nurture relationships. In this article, we will delve into the core essence of demiromanticism but also provide a broader understanding of its place within the romantic spectrum.   

By delving into the world of demiromanticism, we can expand our perspectives on love and relationships, fostering a more inclusive outlook on the myriad ways in which humans experience and express romantic connections. As we dismantle myths and misconceptions, we invite you to join us on this exploration of demiromanticism—a journey into the multifaceted tapestry of human emotions.  

What is demiromanticism? 

Demiromanticism is a romantic orientation that falls within the broader spectrum of aromanticism. It is defined by the experience of romantic attraction only after forming a strong emotional bond with someone. This is distinct from other romantic orientations where individuals may develop romantic feelings based on physical attraction, shared interests, or other factors without necessarily sharing a deep emotional connection. For demiromantic individuals, this emotional connection is a prerequisite for romantic interest to arise.  

It is important to note that the demiromantic orientation does not dictate an individual's sexual orientation or preferences. Demiromantic people can be heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or any other sexual orientation. Their sexual attraction and romantic attraction may operate on different levels and follow distinct patterns. 

Common Myths About Demiromanticism  

Dispelling misconceptions about demiromanticism can help foster a deeper understanding, create a more inclusive environment, and cultivate greater empathy for those who identify as demiromantic. Let's tackle some common myths:  

Myth: Demiromanticism is the same as demisexuality. 

While both orientations involve emotional connections, demisexuality revolves around sexual attraction, whereas demiromanticism pertains to romantic attraction. A demiromantic individual may be demisexual, but it is not a given.  

Myth: Demiromantic people are just picky or have commitment issues. 

Demiromanticism is not a choice or a fear of commitment; it is a unique pattern of experiencing romantic attraction. Just like anyone else, demiromantic individuals can form deep, long-lasting relationships once an emotional connection is forged. 

Navigating relationships as a demiromantic  

Demiromantic individuals face unique challenges when it comes to forming and maintaining romantic relationships with others who may not have the same orientation. Understanding and embracing one's demiromantic identity is paramount to ensuring that both partners have their needs met. Communication is key, as clear and open dialogue helps both partners understand each other's desires, boundaries, and romantic expectations.  

It is crucial for demiromantic partners to express their need for emotional connection and to highlight that their romantic attraction may take time to develop. This will allow their partners to develop a better understanding of their unique experience and be more patient and supportive in nurturing the relationship. 

Moreover, demiromantic people should be aware that just like in any relationship, effective communication and ongoing consent are essential in maintaining a healthy dynamic. Both partners should prioritize honest conversations about their feelings, needs, and preferences when it comes to romance and sexual intimacy.  

Tips for partners of demiromantic individuals 

Being in a relationship with a demiromantic partner may present its own set of challenges, but with understanding and empathy, it can lead to a deep, meaningful connection. Here are some tips for making the experience more fulfilling: 

  • Be patient and understanding: Recognizing that your demiromantic partner requires an emotional bond to develop romantic attraction is crucial. Offer patience and understanding as the relationship evolves, and avoid pressuring your partner into romantic or intimate situations before they are ready. 
  • Validate their feelings and experiences: Make it a priority to validate and acknowledge your partner's demiromantic identity. This will create a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment where both partners feel comfortable discussing their experiences and expectations. 
  • Communicate openly: As with any relationship, open and honest communication is key. Establish a space where both partners can express their feelings, desires, and concerns without judgment in order to foster mutual understanding and emotional growth. 


Exploring and understanding demiromanticism is an opportunity to embrace the beautiful and diverse spectrum of human emotions. Recognizing that romantic love and attraction manifest themselves in various ways, and learning to appreciate the unique experiences of others, is essential in creating an inclusive and sex-positive environment.  

By breaking down misconceptions and fostering a strong understanding of what it means to be demiromantic, we can all contribute to a world where diverse romantic orientations are acknowledged, supported, and celebrated.  

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