17 BDSM Punishments That Inspire Total Submission

These 17 BDSM ideas can teach even the brattiest submissive not to disobey the rules while strengthening your D/s dynamic.

Published Jul 12 2023 11 min read

Only in the world of BDSM is punishment synonymous with passion. Consider BDSM punishments like elaborate adult games that use rules and power plays to modify behavior and inspire submission. While some BDSM punishments may sting more than others (we see you impact players), they can also intensify trust, arousal, and reinforce BDSM dynamics, whether you identify more with D/S or S&M.

Ultimately, it’s up to you, your partner, and your kinky imaginations to create the perfect structure that reflects your individual personalities and preferences. Keep in mind that the punishment should fit the crime, or it’s considered a BDSM funishment. Without further ado, here are 17 BDSM ideas that can turn disobedience into an opportunity to deepen your D/s dynamic.    

1. Degrade them with verbal humiliation

Words have power, and as a BDSM punishment, they can be wielded as a tool of control. Verbal humiliation involves name-calling, belittling, or other forms of degrading language that reinforce the submissive's position. Personalize your dominant dirty talk to your dynamic, but some examples include calling your submissive “worthless,” “pathetic,” or “dirty little slut” and belittling their abilities or behaviors in a controlled, strategic manner. It's not about being cruel, but about creating a psychological impact that deepens submission and obedience. When done right, verbal humiliation can be an incredibly intense and effective form of punishment.

2. Spank, paddle and whip them

Looking to leave a lasting impression? Impact play is a classic way to add a little sting to punishment. Spanking, paddling, and whipping are traditional yet powerful methods of discipline. The sting of each strike serves as a reminder of who's in charge, eliciting feelings of vulnerability and humiliation in your submissive. These punishments can range from light taps to more forceful blows, depending on the desired intensity and established boundaries. With each strike, you create a rhythm that combines physical and psychological dominance for the ultimate power play.

3. Experiment with sensory deprivation

By removing one or more senses - aka sensory deprivation - you can create a profound sense of vulnerability in your submissive. Sensory deprivation can be an intense way to exert control and deepen the submissive's dependence on their dominant. For instance, blindfold your submissive to eliminate their sight, use earplugs to muffle sounds, or place them in a hood to block out both sight and sound. You can also bind their hands to limit touch or dole out their punishment in a pitch-black room to heighten the level of disorientation and mystery. This method amplifies your submissive's focus on your actions, forcing compliance and dependence that you, their dominant, will be responsible.

4. Restrain them with bondage

Bondage is a cornerstone of BDSM; literally it’s the B in BDSM. Bondage can make a versatile and creative addition to your disciplinary toolkit. By removing or restraining your submissive’s sense of touch and ability to move, this form of sensory deprivation can instill a deep sense of helplessness. Whether using ropes, cuffs, or even your own body weight, you can render your submissive obedient. Try securing their wrists and ankles to limit movement, positioning them spread-eagle on the bed to leave them exposed, or using a hogtie to emphasize vulnerability. You can also get more devious and tie them to a chair in a particularly exposed position that degrades or humbles them. Use caution as there is an inherent risk to bondage, so skill, safety, and proper technique are important to avoid injury.

5. Teach them a lesson with an ice bath

Ice bath anyone? While ice baths are known for their therapeutic properties, they can also be a powerful disciplinarian tool for disobedient submissives. Even the brattiest of brats would be remiss to repeat this transgression after an ice plunge for 30 seconds. This cold immersion is quite shocking to the senses and the greater impact lies in the psychological impact rather than physical discomfort. Remember, temperature play like ice can be dangerous. Be vigilant about time and temperature to avoid hypothermia, and make sure the ice isn’t so sharp that it could cut your submissive and cause more harm than intended.

6. Deny their orgasm

Orgasm denial flips the script on traditional pleasure, turning anticipation into a form of control. By bringing your submissive to the edge of orgasm and then stopping, you can create an overwhelming sense of sexual frustration alongside heightened arousal. Orgasm denial reinforces D/s dynamics in a profound psychological way as the submissive becomes desperate for release but must endure time, temptation, and stimulation until further notice. However, depending on the crime, you can add a cherry on top of this punishment and deny the submissive so many times it culminates into a ruined orgasm.

7. Force orgasms to control pleasure

Think orgasms are a reward? Not always in BDSM. On the opposite end of the orgasm denial spectrum are forced orgasms, which are exactly what they sound like. When pleasure is taken to the point of overstimulation and discomfort, it can feel like a punishment. Use your hands, mouth, or vibrators to push your submissive to climax repeatedly, taking pleasure to an intensity that becomes nearly unbearable. Forced orgasms strip the submissive of their bodily autonomy, which physically and psychologically punctuates your power as a dominant. Forced orgasms can be an intense experience and punishment, so be mindful of your sub’s physical and emotional limits as well as hydration levels.

8. Punish them with remote control vibrators

And speaking of forced orgasms, remote control vibrators are a deviant way to administer this punishment. Remote control vibrators offer a modern twist to BDSM punishment. With the ability to control your submissive’s stimulation from a distance, you can deliver unexpected bursts of pleasure and frustration at your whim. Whether you have your submissive wear a panty vibrator during a public outing or tie a vibrator to their genitals while they're restrained at home, they are acutely aware of your control over their body.

This constant, unpredictable stimulation keeps them on edge, adding an extra layer of psychological domination alongside the physical. The element of surprise in remote domination enhances the dynamic, making the submissive more attuned to your commands and heightens their sense of vulnerability. And, for the playful dominants out there, there are many ways to use remote control vibrators for creative kink scenes, such as teasing your sub during a video call, forcing them to mask their pleasure. Remote domination can reinforce your dominance but also intensify your D/s dynamic, making it an effective method of discipline and control.

9. Make them clean the house

Utilitarian punishments like making your submissive clean the house serve the dual purpose of reinforcing obedience while also checking a task off your to-do list. This type of punishment is reminiscent of youth, a time when we were all at the mercy of our parents. So, this punishment could feel particularly cringe-worthy because it parallels ‘real life,’ punctuating the memory of submitting to someone else’s ideals. Also, cleaning is a universally disliked chore, which adds to its effectiveness as a punishment. But if you want to add layers of psychological dominance, you can enhance this utilitarian punishment by having your sub clean in a uniform or even stripped down, emphasizing vulnerability. This approach transforms mundane chores into acts of devotion and discipline, highlighting their service and your authority.

10. Walk them like a dog

Yes, you read right. Walk your submissive like a dog. Grab a collar and leash, and walk them around the house - or, if they’ve been bratty, walk them outside and tinge this punishment with public humiliation. Pet play can serve as a playful yet humiliating reminder of who the pack leader is. Beyond the physical degradation of being on all fours, the real effectiveness is in the psychological impact of being treated like a pet under the constant control of their master.

11. Use them as human furniture

Furniture is meant to be used, so symbolically and literally, transforming your sub into human furniture epitomizes submission. Human furniture is a creative and demeaning form of punishment that underscores submission and control. By making your submissive act as a piece of furniture - a table, chair, or footstool - you reinforce your dominance and degrade their status. This method combines physical endurance with psychological impact, as the submissive must remain still and compliant for extended periods. It's a striking way to showcase your dominance and their submission. Just be mindful that holding positions for extended periods of time may come with risk and injury, so be sure to assess each situation for safety.

12. Dominate completely with cock and ball torture

CBT anyone? And no, we don’t mean cognitive behavioral therapy. In BDSM, CBT stands for cock and ball torture, which involves inflicting pain and discomfort on the male genitals through activities like ball-busting or genital spanking. CBT is an intense, commanding experience that involves both physical and psychological domination by targeting one of the most sensitive areas of the body. It’s a classic punishment in femdom but can be administered by anyone of any gender. CBT doesn’t just heighten a submissive’s sense of vulnerability, it is the epitome of vulnerability. The physical sensations of pain and discomfort are immediate, but the psychological effects—fear, anticipation, and the need for compliance—can linger long after the play session ends, making this an incredibly potent punishment that deepens the power dynamics. CBT is an advanced form of BDSM that requires education, safety, and safe words to ensure no unintended or lasting damage.

13. Lock them up in chastity

Chastity devices, like cock cages and chastity belts, deny a submissive of their ability to touch, stimulate, and find sexual release. Imagine arousing your sub and then locking them in a cock cage or chastity belt. The sexual frustration is visceral... They will be reminded of your dominance every time they pulse against the cage or belt's confinements. This combination of premeditated stimulation and denial intensifies their sexual frustration and subsequent submission. Chastity is a potent way to assert physical control, but the real kicker? The psychological impact. Knowing they can’t reach orgasm without your say-so is the ultimate power play. But remember, safety first. Keep chastity keys close at hand and monitor your sub’s reactions throughout to be a responsible key holder.

14. Discipline them schoolhouse-style

Bring a touch of nostalgic discipline to your play with schoolhouse-style punishments. Integrate some roleplay with a teacher/student dynamic to really heighten the power dynamic. Have your submissive write lines like “I will never disobey...”, stand in the corner, or use a ruler for light spanking. These familiar punishments add a psychological twist, reminding them of past authority figures and reinforcing your control. It's a playful yet powerful way to create obedience, blending nostalgia with submission for a uniquely impactful experience.

15. Shame them with golden showers

Get ready to make it rain... with golden showers. Golden showers are a form of urine play where the dominant urinates on the submissive. It might sound extreme (and it is to some), but this form of punishment can be incredibly effective for those who consent. The act of being urinated on is deeply humiliating, making it a powerful tool for reinforcing dominance. While golden showers are a cogent physical manifestation of the power imbalance in the dynamic, it's the psychological impact that truly drives this punishment home. Your submissive's sense of degradation and your control over their dignity creates a visceral experience that's hard to forget.

16. Put them in time-out

Time-outs aren't just for kids—they can really make you feel small and infantilized as an adult punishment. Putting your submissive in time-out is a great way to enforce discipline while making them reflect on their behavior. Have them stand in a corner, facing the wall, for a set period, or an undetermined amount of time to really dial up the mental power play. The enforced isolation drives home the lesson of obedience. The psychological impact of being ignored and isolated, even briefly, is a powerful reminder of your power to give and take from your submissive at your will. It’s a rudimentary, yet highly effective, way to reinforce rules and submission.

17. Expose them with public humiliation

Looking for a way to really make an impact? Public humiliation takes your BDSM play to the next level by adding exposure. Make your submissive wear something embarrassing, symbolic of their servitude, or perform a degrading task in public. You can even dole out their punishment where others can watch, turning their transgression into a spectacle. Having an audience, or the threat of an audience, cranks up the emotional intensity of punishment, emphasizing your submissive’s vulnerability. This form of punishment isn't just about embarrassment; it's about reinforcing your dominance in a way that's impossible to ignore.


From the sting of a spank to the psychological cage of chastity, every BDSM punishment presents an opportunity to reinforce your D/s dynamic. Whether you’re an edge player, a brat tamer, or simply sadistic, you can use these BDSM ideas to create punishments that reflect your relationship dynamic, and fit the crime. However, the responsibility of a dominant doesn’t end after punishment. After a whirlwind of physical and psychological play, make sure to provide BDSM aftercare, so your dynamic can continue to consensually thrive.

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