Understanding Aegosexuality: Exploring a Little-Known Orientation

In this blog, we will explore what aegosexuality is, how it differs from other orientations, and what it means for those who identify as aegosexual. 

Published Jun 28 2023 5 min read

Sexual orientation is a complex and diverse aspect of human identity. Most people are familiar with the commonly recognized orientations, such as heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, and pansexual. However, there are many lesser-known orientations that are still being explored and understood. One of these orientations is aegosexuality. In this blog, we will explore what aegosexuality is, how it differs from other orientations, and what it means for those who identify as aegosexual. 

What is aegosexuality?  

Aegosexuality is a term used to describe an individual who experiences sexual attraction but does not necessarily have the desire to participate in sexual activity with others. Instead, aegosexual individuals tend to prefer fantasizing or engaging in sexual activity with themselves, such as through masturbation or watching pornography. Aegosexuality is often referred to as a subset of asexuality, which is a lack of sexual attraction or desire. 

Aegosexuality is not a new concept, but it is still not widely recognized or understood. In fact, the term "aegosexual" was first coined in 2014 by a member of the asexual community who was seeking to describe their own experiences of sexual attraction and desire. 

How does aegosexuality differ from other orientations?  

Aegosexuality is often misunderstood or confused with other orientations, such as celibacy or autoeroticism. Celibacy is a choice to abstain from sexual activity, while aegosexuality is a sexual orientation. Autoeroticism refers to sexual activity that is self-directed, whereas aegosexuality is a sexual orientation that involves attraction to others but not necessarily a desire to engage in sexual activity with them. 

Aegosexuality also differs from other orientations in that it is not dependent on the gender or identity of the person being fantasized about. Aegosexual individuals may be attracted to people of any gender, or they may not be attracted to people at all. 

What does aegosexuality mean for those who identify as aegosexual? 

For those who identify as aegosexual, understanding and accepting their orientation can be a journey. Aegosexual individuals may feel isolated or misunderstood, particularly if their orientation is not widely recognized or accepted. However, it is important for aegosexual individuals to know that they are not alone and that their experiences are valid and deserving of respect.  

Identifying as aegosexual can also come with challenges when it comes to forming intimate relationships. Aegosexual individuals may struggle to connect with partners who have different sexual needs or preferences. However, it is possible for aegosexual individuals to form meaningful relationships, whether romantic or platonic, with people who understand and accept their orientation. 

For some people who identify as aegosexual, their sexual orientation can be a way to feel empowered. Accepting and acknowledging their aegosexuality can give them the freedom to explore and express their sexuality in a way that is true to themselves. It can also serve as a way to resist societal expectations of how they should engage in sexual activity and who they should engage in it with. 

Final Thoughts 

Aegosexuality is a lesser-known orientation that is still being explored and understood. It is important to recognize and respect the experiences of those who identify with aegosexuality and to understand that their orientation is just as valid and deserving of respect as any other orientation. For those who identify as aegosexual, it can be a journey to understand and accept their orientation, but it can also be a source of empowerment and self-discovery. 

It's important to understand the many types of sexual orientations that exist and to recognize that not everyone experiences attraction or sexuality in the same way. By promoting acceptance and understanding of all sexual orientations, we can create a more inclusive and supportive society for all individuals. 

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