Vibrators Aren't Just For Women: Our Top Vibrator Tips For Men

Many people get the idea that vibrators are primarily for women: a great way for them to ramp up solo pleasure sessions. In reality, adding vibration to the bedroom can be incredible for men, too.

Published Mar 12 2020 7 min read

Many people get the idea that vibrators are primarily for women: a great way for them to ramp up solo pleasure sessions. In reality, adding vibration to the bedroom can be incredible for men, too. If you're interested in ramping up your pleasure and spicing up your sex life, using a vibrator (including Tenuto, which is designed with men's bodies in mind, or Crescendo, which can be used by both men and women) is a great way to accomplish it. Not sure where to get started? Try some of these vibrator tips for men:

1. Choose a high-quality vibrator.

tenuto vibrator tips for men

If you're experimenting with a vibrator for the first time, you may be tempted to choose the sex shop running the best deal or select a vibrator that's discounted, rather than full price. While that's a great strategy for saving money, it may not be the best strategy for increasing your pleasure in the bedroom! Instead, do your research. You're looking for a vibrator:

  • Shaped to deliver pleasure where you want it. If you're looking for anal stimulation, for example, you will want a vibrator that flares at the base, so that the toy isn't lost inside your body. While Crescendo isn't intended for anal play, it is intended to bend, curve, and deliver stimulation to multiple points along the body, which means it can be used in a variety of ways. Meanwhile, Tenuto was specifically designed with a man's body in mind, with motors positioned to deliver stimulation where you want it most.  
  • That allows for customization. The intensities and vibration patterns you enjoy most may not be the same ones that other people prefer, and you don't want to be stuck with a vibrator that doesn't deliver the experience you're looking for. 
  • Made of high-quality, durable material. You'd like to be able to take your vibrator wherever you are, including into the shower or bath, so choose a vibrator with no open ports and a durable outer material that will hold up to use over time. That durability will also mean that your vibrator won't crack or become damaged quickly.

When you're choosing a vibrator, quality matters. So do your research ahead of time and select one from a company that stands behind its products and delivers an amazing experience for its customers. 

2. Get to know your vibrator when it comes in.

Before you engage in your first pleasure session by yourself or with your partner, take the time to get to know your new toy yourself. That may mean a solo masturbation session, or it could simply mean taking the time to examine the product. Does it come with an app, like the MysteryVibe line? Go ahead and connect your vibrator to the app. Then:

  • Run your hands over the vibrator. Rub it against your genitals. Get a feel for the material and what it feels like against you.
  • Turn it on and feel the strength of the vibrations. Experiment with different vibration patterns and intensities. 
  • Try your vibrator on different parts of your body. Get a feel for what feels best to you and what level of intensity you prefer. 

The MysteryVibe line also has a playbook: a set of play cards that offer suggestions for different ways to use the product alone or with a partner. The MysteryVibe app gives you access to additional vibration patterns that you can download onto your vibrator, providing you with even more ways to enjoy your vibrator. Experiment a little bit with them. Learn what you like. Different people like different types of stimulation. Knowing what you like makes it easier and more fun when you do bring it into the bedroom for solo or partner play.

If you're planning to use your vibrator with your partner, it's just as important that you experiment with it. Understand how intense those vibration patterns are and how they have the potential to make your partner feel. The better you get to know your vibrator ahead of time, the better you can use it to deliver mind-blowing pleasure to your partner. 

3. Be prepared to experiment with your partner.

Even if your partner has used a vibrator in the past, using one together can be a completely different experience. Be prepared to spend time experimenting together, especially if you've purchased a new product. Keep in mind that some women enjoy direct, intense clitoral stimulation as they near orgasm, while others prefer a lighter touch. Some women enjoy being teased, while others want to get to the main event faster. Don't assume that you have to move the vibrator straight to her clitoris. Instead, use it on her inner thighs, stimulate her labia, and move slowly toward the clitoris, slowly building arousal and anticipation.

Using your new vibrator on a male partner? Many men will find that they like different intensities or vibration patterns. Tenuto wraps around the shaft and balls, with six motors that deliver vibration to multiple erogenous zones, increasing blood flow and heightening sensations. Experiment with different intensities as well as using it in different positions: missionary position can deliver powerful vibrations for both partners.

Crescendo can also deliver an incredible experience when rested against the shaft during manual stimulation. Don't be afraid to try something new! You can always adjust, adapt, and continue to experiment depending on what works best for you and your partner.  

4. Try out a vibrator during intercourse.

In the movies, especially erotic movies, women orgasm every time, usually quickly. In reality, however, many women don't reach orgasm during intercourse that quickly— and as many as 81% of women won't orgasm from penetration alone. They may need a little extra help from toys, hands, or mouths to reach that peak. While your vibrator can deliver incredible sensations and even orgasm during foreplay, you should also try using your vibrator during intercourse. When using Tenuto, allow her to position herself for maximum pleasure or use Crescendo and shape it perfectly for increased clitoral stimulation. With this strategy, she can have intense orgasms during penetration. You'll get to experience both her orgasm and her increased arousal, not to mention enjoying the vibrations yourself. 

For men, using Tenuto during intercourse can help increase blood flow in key areas and provide tension that can help extend the erection. Not only that, men's partners often find that Tenuto creates vibration in the penis, effectively "turning the penis into a vibrator" and enhancing satisfaction.

5. Try out your vibrator in different spots. 

When you discover something that you really enjoy, it's tempting to just stick with it. Variety, however, remains the spice of life — especially in the bedroom! Try out your vibrator in different spots on your body. If you're using Crescendo, for example, you might enjoy curling it around your testicles while stimulating your shaft manually, or you might enjoy stretching it along the length of your shaft.

Tenuto could allow you to lie back and enjoy a hands-free orgasm or deliver an extra pleasure boost while you stimulate yourself or receive oral stimulation from your partner. You may discover that you enjoy a little stimulation around the anus or that you like vibration on your perineum. Keep experimenting! The MysteryVibe playbook is a great place to get new ideas! 

6. Let her take the reins.

romantic couple exploring vibrator tips for men

If your partner has used a vibrator in the past (around 53% of women have), she may already feel comfortable using a vibrator--and she may love the opportunity to tease and tantalize you. Let her take the reins. Both Crescendo and Tenuto can be connected to the MysteryVibe app, which allows the person in control of the app to take full control of the sexual experience, setting patterns, locations, and intensities for each vibration.

She can also decide where to deliver that vibration, teasing you and drawing out your pleasure or going straight to the sites where you enjoy it most. Putting her in control can help you discover new things that bring you pleasure--and give you a better idea of what she enjoys, as well. Tenuto has six motors, one of which is positioned to stimulate the clitoris during intercourse. Using the app, she can individually select the vibration pattern and intensity of that motor, which will allow her to maximize both her pleasure and yours. 

7. Choose a water-based lubricant.

When you're using a vibrator, always use lubricant to go along with it, whether you're using it for a man or a woman. If you're using a wearable vibrator for men, like Tenuto, you will need to apply lube in order to slip it comfortably into position. You may also find that lubricant enhances your entire experience when you're using your vibrator, leading to a smoother, more slippery experience as you touch yourself. Water-based or silicone-based lubricants are safer for use with your vibrator, since they're less likely to break down its materials over time.

Some women naturally produce their own lubricant when aroused. When you're using a vibrator on her, however, she may not have time to naturally build arousal leading up to penetration. Adding water-based lubricant, which will not break down your vibrator or cause damage to it, can enhance her pleasure and help her (and you) keep enjoying it longer without uncomfortable chafing. You can apply lubricant directly to the vibrator or apply it to your hand, then slide it down the vibrator. Be sure to reapply lubricant as needed throughout your vibrator play! If you notice her starting to get dry or you notice discomfort with your own vibrator use, adding lubricant can help smooth those touches and increase your pleasure.

8. Make sure you clean up your sex toys after play.

Using a cleaner specifically for sex toys can help keep your toys clean and safe for use. If you don't clean your vibrator after use, bacteria can build up, increasing the risk of infection. You also shouldn't use a toy for both anal and vaginal play in the same session, since it could spread bacteria that leads to infection. By cleaning up after you use your toys, you can help them last longer and keep things safer for both you and your partner. After all, an infection can put a real damper on your bedroom fun! AfterGlow wipes are the perfect option: they're easy to keep at your bedside, so you can wipe down your toys immediately after use. 

We hope you enjoyed these vibrator tips for men. If you've never used a vibrator before, now is the perfect time to enhance your experience in a way that could just blow your mind. If you've used one in the past, but want a high-quality product that will help take your pleasure to the next level, MysteryVibe could be the solution you're looking for. 

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