Is Bareback Sex Ideal For You And Your Partner?

Bareback sex is a slang term that refers to having unprotected sex. What are the risks and benefits of bareback sex? How do you go about having safe bareback sex?

Published Jan 31 2022 8 min read

Bareback sex, what is it? Simply put, it's having unprotected sexual intercourse. Bareback is an equestrian term used to refer to horseback riders that decide to ride a horse without the protection of a saddle, which means increased risk of being thrown off and injured. So, the implication in sex is that the choice to not use a condom is potentially dangerous. However, there's more history to the term 'Bareback Sex' than borrowing from equestrian vernacular. 

The term is more well-known as the slang term that arose from the gay community referring to having unprotected anal sex, or sex without condoms. The slang term bareback sex originated at a time when the Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV epidemic was gradually making waves in the gay community around the late 1990s until early 2000s.

The term inspired division due to fear of contracting HIV or AIDS. During the epidemic, men who sought sexual pleasure were encouraged to use protection or pleasure products like vibrators for men as part of Safe Sex Campaigns stating those were the safer alternative to barebacking. Overall research about the virus has since evolved. HIV is manageable thanks to antiretroviral therapies, and the taboo around anal intercourse and same sex relations has lessened. 

While bareback sex started as a term associated with the gay community, it has evolved through the generations to encompass all sexual orientations. As awareness and access to prevention tools increased, so too did people’s desire to spice up their sex lives. More and more people wanted to explore bareback sex with their partners. But what do people get from having bareback sex? And how do you go about having safe, bareback sex?

Is bareback sex or sex without a condom ideal for you and your partner

The Benefits of Bareback Sex

The benefit of bareback sex is to experience sexual pleasure uninhibited by a physical barrier such as a condom. Some people claim that using condoms can detract from the full physical sensations during sexual encounters 

The feeling of bare skin touching bare skin can heighten arousal and provide a feeling of closer connection, both physically and emotionally. For some, the skin contact barebacking provides can lead to more satisfying and fulfilling orgasms for both parties involved. For many couples, bareback sex can also imply a long-term commitment or monogamy, or that a certain amount of trust has developed within the relationship.

Regardless of what stage your relationship is in, it’s natural to want to explore all the sex techniques and strategies that can help elevate sexual intimacy and orgasms. So, if you’re not too keen on being restricted by a condom during sex, then going bareback is one option.

The Risks of Bareback Sex

The disadvantage of bareback sex is the increased risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, one of which being HIV. Engaging in unprotected sexual activity can increase chances of infection from any STDs. While the world has made strides in HIV awareness, prevention, long-term care, and rates in the United States have declined 9% from 2015 to 2019, the virus disproportionately affects men who have sex with men, specifically young men and marginalized communities.

Is Bareback Sex Ideal For You And Your Partner CDC HIV Statistics

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) 2019 HIV surveillance of the United States:   

  • Gay and bisexual men accounted for 65% of new HIV cases.
  • Young gay and bisexual men accounted for 83% of all new HIV diagnoses.
  • Young Black gay and bisexual men accounted for 50% (3,209) of new HIV diagnoses among young gay and bisexual men.
  • Heterosexual contact accounted for 23% of new HIV cases.

How to have safe bareback sex

The choice to engage in bareback sex or not will vary between individuals. If you or your partner want to have bareback sex, then you may want to discuss and consider some of the following safety ground rules:

Have a thorough discussion with your partner

Before engaging in sex without a condom, have a meaningful talk with your partner and discuss each other’s sexual histories. Sexual history and status conversations may sound like a “mood killer” but it is part of being sexually responsible, giving informed consent, and can prevent miscommunications or misunderstandings. It’s important to be open and honest when discussing your sexual history and status with any partners.

Get routine STD screenings

STD tests are an accurate way to monitor your sexual health and ensure that you and your partner can make safe and informed decisions about whether to engage in bareback sex or not. The most common STD symptom is no symptom at all, and that includes HIV. Depending on the viral load, HIV can remain undetectable in the body for some time, but it’s still there, which is why routine STD screening is recommended to everyone. Once you have both gotten tested, discuss the results with your partner whatever those may be. It’s recommended to receive routine STD tests if you have new or multiple partners.

Consider preventive medications, like PrEP

There are medications that can help curb potential HIV infection, such as PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis). PrEP is a medication that can be prescribed to people who are at high risk of contracting HIV. Currently, there are two oral PrEP medications and a recent FDA-approved injectable form of PrEP. reports that use of PrEP is considered safe and 99% effective in reducing the risk of contracting HIV when taken as prescribed.

Use Lubrication

Lubricant can make any sexual activity more enjoyable by reducing friction and the potential of any fissures or tears, whether rectal or vaginal, as well as making the experience more comfortable for the receiving partner.

Consider Anal Training

Before you decide to have bareback anal sex, you may want to consider preparing for anal penetration with anal training. Anal training teaches you how to relax the strong muscles of your anus known as the sphincter muscles so you can enjoy the feeling and intimacy without pressure.

Think you have an STD?

In case you suspect that you have contracted any sexually transmitted disease or infection, get tested, speak to a healthcare professional, and inform the parties involved immediately.

Remember that different STDs have varying incubation periods so don’t delay consulting a doctor and speaking to those involved if you suspect something is wrong. It’s also worth noting that you may need more than one trip to the doctor for some types of sexually related illnesses. Make sure to get as much information as you can during any doctor’s appointment, so if there is a follow-up or referral, you’re fully prepared for another consultation. 

If you do contract an STD, it is not the end of your sex life. Most STDs are curable or manageable with treatment and medication. If you think you’ve been exposed to HIV, see a health professional about post-exposure prophylaxis, or PEP.

PEP is a precaution medication prescribed after potential exposure to HIV, so it can be taken if you suspect you’ve had sexual relations with an HIV-positive person. PEP is typically given within 72 hours of exposure to HIV as incubation period for HIV can be within 24-36 hours.

Is Bareback Sex Ideal For You And Your Partner Condoms

More on Condoms

Along with STD tests and communication, condoms are an affordable and effective option for practicing safe sex and reducing the risk of transmission of any STD or STI. Sex with condoms can be just as pleasurable and satisfying as bareback sex. Make sure you or your partner are wearing the condom properly and it also helps to identify the right condom size for you and your partner’s needs.

If bareback sex isn’t for you, sex toys may help

Sex toys may help supercharge your sex life. Using vibrators for enhancing pleasure during sexual intercourse is safer than going bareback, and there are sex toys for men too. For example, Tenuto is a wearable male vibrator that helps a penis become erect and stay erect for longer periods of time. Tenuto is a great companion for masturbation as it can heighten sensations. Other types of male vibrators, such as Crescendo, are great for prostate massage and prostate stimulation

There are a lot of different types of sex toys for men that can target specific areas and needs, but plugs, thrusters, cock rings, etc. The sex toys available nowadays are not only easy but safe to use if used the way intended. Talk things over with your sexual partner and see which sex toys suit your needs most.

Is Bareback Sex ideal for you and your partner - anal sex

It all boils down to you… and your partner!

At the end of the day, you and your partner hold the final say regarding the details of your sexual relationship, and no decision is the ‘wrong’ decision if you openly and honestly communicate with the people you are sexually involved with and come to a decision together. Sexual communication is a normal part of every relationship and encouraged. Discuss with your partner the pros and cons of doing, not just bareback sex, but any kind of sexual position or technique. Bear in mind that intimacy can start even before you have actual sexual intercourse. Sharing your deepest thoughts and being honest with your feelings toward matters of sex can make you and your partner closer to each other.

If you feel vulnerable or reserved communicating at first, start by talking about light topics to break the ice. Then you may progress into more serious matters, until you are able to discuss practically anything sex-related to your partner.  If your first few attempts to communicate are not successful, don’t be discouraged from continuing to try. Communication is a skill, and you will get better with practice.

Be appreciative of each other and support each other’s ideas or sexual fantasies, like if one of you wishes to try new sexual positions. And most importantly, enjoy each other’s company, whether you’re having sexual intercourse or not.

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